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WELCOME TO LONDONDERRY LAX'S HOME ON THE WEB! Here, you'll be able to get news, information, schedules, rosters, game results, directions and much much more. Check back frequently for the latest information about our club.

Old Home Day Parade

Hi Everyone! LYLA will be hosting a booth and will be walking in the old home day parade again this year and we would love as much participation while walking  as possible! August 17th if you can join let us know below and we will send you all the details when we get close to the date


Please let us know if you will be walking (and how many of you will be walking) here.

Londonderry Boys Lacrosse Summer Clinic

Free boys Lacrosse Clinic run by LMS and LYLA coaches.

Grades K-6th

When: July 29th - August 1st 5pm-7pm (5pm - 6pm for K and 1st grade)

Where: Par 5 Field behind LMS, 313 Mammoth Rd, Londonderry, NH 03053

Must sign up ahead of time: Sign Up Here

New Parent Info Page

A new section to answer common questions parents may have has been added to the web site here: Parent Info

It answers questions generally around Little Laxers for Kindergarteners, basic practice timing, etc. The specific dates and exact schedules will be added as they are solidified

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Coach's Info

Lacrosse Info